Monday, March 29, 2010

Hugo the Musical!

Well, it's not quite a musical but it is a 'music video' that I put together for my new children's book, Hugo and the Really Really, Really Long String.

Many thanks to Brad Mossman for lending his amazing song making skills!
Brad and I worked together to create all of the songs on Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! I wrote the silly lyrics and Brad turned them into really great, high-energy pop songs!

You can find out all you want to know about the Wubbzy songs here-

And you can view all the Wubbzy music videos here-

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Birth of a book!

My first children's book, Hugo and the Really, Really, Really Long String, hits the stores today!

And in celebration, I'm posting some of the first little lunchtime scribbles of Hugo. It's always fun to look back at where an idea started and see how far it's come.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lights! Camera! Book!

My first children's book, Hugo and the Really, Really, Really Long String, will be in book stores on March 23rd.

Here is a silly little video that I put together to help promote it.

Many thanks to Jann Carl for the lending her voice over skills and the neighborhood kids for sharing their amazing acting abilities.